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5 things to give up before you move

By George Hadgelias

Unless you’re a ruthless de-clutterer, there’s a reasonable chance you share your home with a bunch of not-entirely-necessary items. Correct?

Things you should give up before you move!

Moving to a new home is the perfect time to get rid of things you don’t need, but make sure you get it done before moving day arrives.

Home organising and de-cluttering expert Chelsea Smith reveals which items you should definitely sort through and leave behind before moving into your fresh new home.

1. Old linen

“Linen is one of those things that is easy to accumulate over the years,” Chelsea starts. “Over time it does get quite tatty and wears a bit thin, towels become less absorbent and tea towels can become quite stained. Do a stocktake of what you’ve got and only keep the pieces you need.

“For instance, if you have four people under your roof, you may only need eight towels and that would probably do you for guests as well.”

Chelsea adds that you might be able to donate old sheets or towels to vet clinics and animal shelters, where they are often looking for rags or towels.

2. Unnecessary furniture

We often buy furniture for the house we’re currently in, so when we move we find some pieces no longer suit the style of the new home — or may not even serve a purpose.

“For instance, if you have more built-in storage in the new place, a free-standing chest of drawers might not be necessary,” Chelsea says.

“The goal is to move as few bulky furniture items as possible. So, rather than working it out once you get there, have a clear vision of where the furniture is going to go in the new home and what its function will be.”

Consider donating the furniture you no longer need to charities or shelters, or try to sell them or give them away on Facebook Marketplace.

3. Household chemicals

Flammable household chemicals can be a hazard to transport, Chelsea points out. For this reason, they are also refused by many movers who won’t take on the associated risks.

“Even open pots of paint or harsh chemical cleaning products, [movers] will just say no,” Chelsea says. “Your best bet is to dispose of them responsibly before the big day.

“They’re not supposed to go into your regular (rubbish bin), but there are ways to recycle or get rid of them mindfully through household chemical clean-ups or designated chemical drop-off points.”

4. Hoarded toiletries

As with the kitchen pantry, the bathroom cabinet can become a product-hoarding ground. Make some time to go through your medicines and First Aid, cosmetics and skincare, and throw out any items that are out of date or unwanted.

“Toiletries are something you can accumulate quite easily and then forget about — only keep the things you use,” Chelsea says.

“When it comes to organising your new bathroom cupboard, reserve the most accessible space for essential items. Group like items together in clear containers, separating into categories like hair items, make-up, medicines and so on.”

5. An outdated utility plan

“It’s always worth checking in with your electricity, insurance and gas providers to make sure you’re getting the best deals according to your needs,” Chelsea notes.

A change of address is the perfect time for a review. Not only will you need to switch these services over to your new house, you’ll also need to make sure they are customised to the new property and the needs of your family.

Origin, for example, makes it easy to choose an energy plan using their moving tool. Just input your address and whether you’re researching electricity or natural gas. It will pull up suitable plans, how much you could be looking to save and what features you could be missing out on.

Just don’t forget to get onto it before you depart your current home. Nobody wants to be stuck without power on Day Dot!

CLICK HERE for more information.

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