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6 things to consider when moving house

By George Hadgelias

When it comes to moving house, most of us just want to get the job done.

However, there are a few easy tweaks you can make to ensure the process goes smoothly for everyone.

Be sure to consider the below points before your moving day so you can leave as little impact on the environment – and others – around you.

Donate, recycle or dispose?
Moving will always see us coming across piles of things you didn’t even know you had. From your closet to your kitchen, you’ll discover items that you’re no longer using or don’t want to take to your new place.

Things get a bit trickier when you start to explore spaces like the garage or cupboards under the sink which are often used as storage for those out of sight, out of mind items. Many of these items may require disposal before you move.

Consider what can be donated, up-cycled or sold before you consider throwing it out.

When it comes to household chemicals and problem waste, items such as paint, cleaning products, batteries, garden chemicals, gas bottles and fluorescent globes, can’t be thrown in any of your kerbside bins.

In NSW, you can drop off household chemicals like garden chemicals and poisons, fuels and hobby chemicals at a Chemical CleanOut event for free.

For every day problem waste items such as paint, oils and batteries, there are over 90 Community Recycling Centres (CRCs) located across the state, where you can dispose of those tricky household waste items safely, all year round for free.

Both options are free and quick and easy to use. You can find your nearest Chemical CleanOut or Community Recycling Centre at

Regardless of the type of waste, always look for options to reuse, donate, up-cycle or recycle before putting it in the bin.

Consider your packing materials

Packing can generate a lot of unnecessary waste. To remedy this, consider sourcing second-hand boxes online (and often for free) via Gumtree or Facebook Marketplace. Also, you can often buy quality, used boxes through storage or moving services and return them through a buy-back program when you’re finished using them.

“You’re not buying new product, you’re recycling old boxes,” explains Nat Morey, CEO of home organising, decluttering and moving company The Lifestylers Group. “Also, if you’re packing yourself, instead of using [packing] paper, you can use things like towels, linen or pillows to pad your boxes.”

Eco-friendly cleaning

When it comes to making your old and new homes sparkle, consider using products that are less harmful to the environment.

Better yet, make your own products from regular household items.

“I’m a big fan of natural cleaning products — my go-to is always bicarb, vinegar and lemon,” Morey says.

A combination of these ingredients can be used for so many things, from getting grime off stove tops to cleaning carpets.

Donate and shop second-hand

As with packing boxes, opting for “pre-loved” furniture and electronics can help the environment — and often our budgets too.

Donating or using peer-to-peer online marketplaces to sell your items is a great way to consume less and also give life to your old, unwanted things.

“If you have good quality stuff, definitely talk to the Salvation Army who will even come pick up things up for you,” Morey notes.

“In the past, we’ve donated a lot of books to local libraries. Old blankets and linens can be good for animal shelters. We’ve also donated things to kindergartens. If you look at kindergartens in underprivileged areas, they might be really grateful for donations.

“Finally, if you’re organised, Facebook Marketplace is a great place to list things you want to get rid of. You may even only want to list them for $1. The objective isn’t to make money, the objective is to donate and avoid the item going into landfill.”

Don’t neglect relationships

No, we’re not talking about being nicer to your family and friends when they help you move (although this can’t hurt).

Landlords, housemates and neighbours will inevitably be impacted by your move, so it helps to give them a little support as well.

Ensure you give your landlord and/or housemates adequate notice. Check your lease as this will likely tell you the minimum required notice period. If you don’t have a lease, aim for at least four weeks.

Want to go the extra mile? Take the time to farewell neighbours with a little gift. At the very least, don’t leave your waste on the curb in your apartment complex for them to deal with after you’re gone!

Plan ahead

The best way to be kinder to everyone during a move — especially yourself — is by giving yourself adequate time.

Don’t book movers at the last minute, don’t try and pack the night before and give yourself a break after you’ve relocated.

“Definitely start sooner rather than later,” Morey begins. “Start by decluttering and going through each room and each space. Get a floor plan of your new home and think about what’s going to fit, and what might not, which could give you more time to sell or donate things you don’t need.

“My other tip is that good removalists book out very quickly! So, as soon as you know your moving date, book your removalist.”

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