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Change of Address: Who to Notify when Redirecting Mail

By George Hadgelias

Whether you’re shifting suburbs or states, the “to do” list when moving is always long.

Two jobs that should be towards the top of that list are notifying everyone who needs to know about your new address and getting your mail sorted, so you don’t miss anything important in the inevitable chaos of the move.

While these tasks sound straightforward enough, there are a few things to ensure you cover off when informing contacts and making a postal address change.

Here’s everything you need to know.

Who do I need to notify when changing address?

Once you’ve secured a new place, you need to notify key people and organisations of your new postal address. It’s wise to start by making a list and then systemically working through it.

For friends and family, a quick text message or email should suffice, but other important contacts, such as government departments, service providers and private businesses will need a more formal approach.

Usually, you can update your details over the phone, but more often than not nowadays, an online form can be completed.

The list of government bodies to notify will vary from person-to-person, but usually includes:

  • Australian Taxation Office (visit website)
  • Australian Electoral Commission (visit website)
  • Medicare (visit website)
  • Centrelink (visit website)
  • State-based car and licence registration bodies
  • Local council, for rates, pet registration, library membership
  • Organ and tissue donation bodies
  • Medical screening registers, such as the National Cancer Screening Register for cervical and bowel screening
  • Ambulance provider
  • Then, move onto all the other non-government organisations you interact with. Again, a change of address can usually be done in-person, over the phone or online.

    • Banks and financial institutions
    • Utility providers, such as power, gas and water
    • Insurance companies, such as health, car, home, contents and pet
    • Phone and internet providers
    • Educational institutions, such as schools, universities and TAFEs
    • Doctors and dentists
    • Ancillary health professionals, such as physiotherapists, podiatrists and optometrists
    • Childcare and after-school care providers
    • Legal representatives, such as lawyers and solicitors
    • Accountants
    • Charities
    • Sporting clubs
    • Employers
    • Gyms
    • Loyalty programs and store cards
    • Newspapers and magazine subscriptions
    • Pay-TV providers
    • Financial advisors
    • Superannuation providers
    • Toll tag companies
    • Unions
    • Vets
    • Pet microchip registries

    If you notify as many people and organisations as possible, it should reduce the amount of time you need to pay for a mail redirection service.

  • How to redirect your mail online

    Even if you let absolutely everyone you can think of know about your new address, it’s prudent to redirect your mail to the new address, to ensure nothing slips through the cracks.

    It’s possible to arrange a mail redirection, for a fee, in person at any Australia Post storefront, but almost all redirections can also be done online.

    An Australia Post spokesperson said the service is designed to make moving home easy. Once ID is provided and some simple paperwork completed, your mail is forwarded from your old address directly to your new one, “leaving you free to focus on your move.”

    Mail and parcels can be diverted for one, three, six or 12 months. The cost ranges from $33 for one month for an individual up to $660 for 12 months for a home-based business.

    There are special rates for concession cardholders and international redirections are available too.

    Australia Post also offers a service to notify selected banks, insurers, energy providers and telcos of your new address and it’s also possible to pay for Australia Post to hold your mail.

Why changing your address and redirecting your mail is important

Even though many of life’s important transactions now happen online, “snail mail” is still used by many organisations, professionals and businesses.

Changing your postal address is vital to ensuring nothing gets lost, especially important documents like bills, car registration renewals and legal documents.

Redirecting your mail for a set period of time is a good back-up and will catch any you have missed.

CLICK HERE for more information.

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