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Why your housemate’s pet is the best kind you can have

By George Hadgelias

While sharing has its headaches, a housemate with an ace pet is a definite upside for animal lovers. In fact, a housemate’s pet is the best kind of pet!

Bessie Hassan, a pet insurance expert at price comparison website explains the benefits of sharing a home with someone who has a furry friend.

Dogs for example can be a great early-morning running buddy or a cat can be a lovely couch companion on a cold night.

“Caring for your housemate’s dog or cat, instead of having your own, is a great way to enjoy and contribute towards having a pet without too much concern for the nitty gritty, such as vaccinations or giving medication,” she says.

“Although you may help out with general chores, at the end of the day, the burden of owning the pet doesn’t fall on you, so it’s a win-win,” Hassan says.

That means local council registration, food, pet insurance, routine vet appointments and any other expenses come out of the housemate’s pocket.

Hassan says living with a pet can be beneficial for those thinking of getting their own animal companion.

“Living with a housemate’s pet is a great way to understand and learn the responsibilities that go hand-in-hand with pet ownership,” she says.

“Many people may not realise the financial commitment involved in having a cat or dog, so those thinking about it should carefully assess whether they can afford the ongoing expenses before diving in head-first,” she says.
The drawbacks? Ultimately, it’s someone else’s animal, Hassan says.

“The biggest downside is probably that unfortunately, if your housemate moves out, so does the pet. Also, any big decisions – from choosing a name to its diet – probably won’t be up to you,” Hassan says.

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